DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO Susan Hepburn is a renowned Harley Street professional with over 20 years of experience as a weight loss expert and is widely credited with transforming Lily Allen from a size 14 to a size 8. Susan s message is loud and clear forget diets they don t work Her impressive success rate of over 96% is a clear indication of her track record and Susan s method makes it possible for you to achieve your target size too and to restore confidence within. This enables you to believe that you can become that slimmer person. This method is training to enjoy a lifetime of a normal healthy relationship with food. Susan Hepburn s unique, calming and compelling voice quietly draws you in and through easy, safe and effective gentle self hypnotic sessions, her technique can bring about lasting changes whilst producing fantastic results. This method is simplicity itself -eat if you are hungry - if you are not hungry, don t eat. This method, following extensive research, not only guides you through self hypnosis sessions but encourages you to enjoy healthy eating, which includes treats, eating slowly, the value of sleep and the importance of exercise. Susan is a keen advocate of exercising being an important part of her programme, also exercise releases endorphins and these give you a natural high so you associate exercising with feeling happy. Susan Hepburn s philosophy has always been that diets don t work, you eat whatever you want but in moderation. You will discover a new energy and rediscover your sensuality. Susan says, No more feeling deprived - No more denial -No more disappointments - No more desperation at being dominated by always being one step away from the next diet a war zone with food. We live in a fast world where we want and expect instant results so become impatient when one diet doesn't seem to be working fast enough so we try another one and so on. Well diets don t work. This DVD could change your life forever .