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Despite good recent work on Curtius, the likeliest textual references for general scholarly consultation have long been Bardon’s two-volume edition (1947-8) and Rolfe’s 1946 Loebs (the latter with modest yet good critical annotations). Hedicke’s 1908 Teubner has been all but forgotten except by specialists of a perhaps surprisingly underrated (and studied) author (besides being quite difficult to find).1 The present volume, even if only faute de mieux, will now be the standard point of departure for the textual study of Curtius’ work of rhetorical history (though scholars will still want to have access to Bardon, who had an uncanny ability to tease exactly the right sense out of Curtius’ Latin, among his many other virtues).
Lucarini’s edition provides a preface, a critical text of the surviving books of the Alexander history, a bibliography and an index of names. The principal difference between Hedicke’s fin de siècle Teubner and its early twenty-first century replacement is the current edition’s treatment of B, F, L and V as descendants of the same manuscript as P, rather than as the progeny of a separate archetype.
The skilled hand of Stephen Oakley lies behind much of the good work found in this edition, and the dedication to the same is eminently fitting. Many of the principles behind Lucarini’s edition are to be found in the frequently cited, unpublished work of both the editor and Oakley (though it can be difficult to “cf.” the author’s unpublished work, as he asks us to do at 3, 3, 145 and elsewhere).